Super Hot

If science is beautiful because we go to space and make test tube babies. And technology is hot because it has made life easier. Then I will have to say that Art is Super hot. Because, it is why we’re existing at all. Art is what gives our lives meaning. Art is what makes us feel, It gives us hope when we have lost it. Art gives us a reason to Love our lives and that of one another, it gives us a reason to exist in a world where our existence is ominous and makes us believe in ourselves. Art consoles us when we’re grieving, it gives us reason to be happy. Art gives us a reason to appreciate the beauty of nature, it shows us what it means to be human.

Have you ever imagined a world without music, paintings, poems, books or movies? If you haven’t, I have and this is what I got; a dumb world, a world with no hope to exist, no love to share, no reason to love, nothing to believe in, ofcourse there is nothing to believe in because you don’t see why you should be existing in the first place.

Science was borne out of man’s desires and necessities, to discover why and what our existence is made of. But what about Art, How did Art began to exist? For me, Art began to exist just as the existence of man began too. It wasn’t out of necessity that man designed musical instruments or made sculptures and paintings in the first world.

Have you seen someone who doesn’t love arts? Like doesn’t listen to music, doesn’t like watching movies or even read books or poems. What does he do? He is always depressed, he doesn’t love the world or appreciate his existence. He sees nothing, not even the beauty of this world and most of all he doesn’t have hope. and when this happens, his life becomes like that of a grasshopper, just existing.

Art is beautiful and the beauty of Art lies in the fact that it shows us that everything is possible. That a blind man can listen to beautiful songs and appreciate the world without seeing it, the deaf can see the beauty of this world and love it without hearing it. You see, no one is left out, not even the blind or the deaf. And just like the saying goes, Art comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable, because only through art we are able to express what we all feel.

Everyone got to love Art no matter who you are, where you’re from or what you’re made of because by loving arts, we get to appreciate the world and love our existence. And, that’s why Art is super-duper Hot.


I will like to say a big thank you to Cristen Mihal for inspiring me back to writing this piece. I have thought about writing something about Arts for a long time but needed something to push me and He gave it to me. Keep doing what you do best.

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